UAE: Students warned against sharing school pictures on social media

Violations can lead to severe penalties, including court action, even for minors.

UAE: Students warned against sharing school pictures on social media
Caption: UAE laws prohibit the unauthorized sharing of personal information and images.
Source: Gulf News

Dubai:  As the new academic year unfolds in the United Arab Emirates, schools across the country are taking a proactive approach to address concerns surrounding student privacy and social media usage. Recognizing the potential risks associated with sharing personal information and images online, educational institutions are implementing stricter guidelines and educational programs to ensure responsible digital citizenship.

To safeguard student privacy and comply with UAE laws, schools are implementing a range of measures. These include:

  • Restrictions on Devices: Some schools have limited the use of mobile phones and tablets with SIM cards on campus, focusing on devices suitable for academic purposes.

  • Educational Programs: Regular assemblies and workshops are being conducted to educate students and parents about the importance of digital citizenship, the potential legal consequences of sharing content without permission, and the significance of respecting others' privacy.

  • Parental Involvement: Schools are actively engaging parents to reinforce the importance of monitoring their children's online activities and guiding them toward responsible digital behavior.

By implementing these measures, schools aim to create a safer and more responsible online environment for students. They emphasize the importance of adhering to UAE laws, which prohibit the unauthorized sharing of personal information and images.

In cases where students violate these guidelines, schools may be required to report the matter to the appropriate authorities. Additionally, parents could be held liable if they fail to supervise their children's online activities adequately.

Legal Implications of Violating UAE Privacy Laws

Under UAE law, sharing photos of individuals without their consent is a serious offense. Federal Decree-Law No. 34 of 2021 on Combating Rumours and Electronic Crimes explicitly prohibits the unauthorized sharing of personal data, including images, on digital platforms.

Violations can lead to severe penalties, including court action, even for minors. Liability for such actions could extend beyond the students to include parents and schools if it is determined that insufficient supervision was a contributing factor.

UAE law, particularly Article 313(1-a) of the Civil Transactions Law, holds parents financially liable for violations resulting from inadequate supervision. Similarly, schools are responsible for ensuring a safe environment and preventing such incidents during school activities.

Digital safety 

As the academic year progresses, schools will continue to reinforce the importance of digital safety and the legal consequences of privacy violations through assemblies and curriculum integration. The message is clear: sharing school photos on social media without consent is not only against the rules but could also have serious legal repercussions.