Dubai teen star shines in international film, captures global attention

Grade 9 student Aarushi Laud’s role in Yellow Bus earns international acclaim and showcases emerging talent

Dubai teen star shines in international film, captures global attention
Caption: (3rd L) Aarushi Laud, a Grade 9 student from Gems Modern Academy (GMA) in Dubai, is stealing the spotlight with her role in the Indo-Jordanian film Yellow Bus.
Source: Imdb

Dubai:  In a thrilling testament to global cinema’s growing inter-connectedness, Aarushi Laud, a Grade 9 student from Gems Modern Academy (GMA) in Dubai, is stealing the spotlight with her role in the Indo-Jordanian film Yellow Bus. The film, now making waves on OSN+ in the UAE and in cinemas across Saudi Arabia, has already earned significant international recognition.

Accolades and international screenings

Yellow Bus has garnered several prestigious awards, including the World Vision Award for Best Film at the Cinequest Film Festival in San Jose and the Best Film Award at the Johannesburg Film Festival. The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and was featured at MAMI, Mumbai Film Festival, and the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai.

Aarushi Laud’s breakthrough performance

In Yellow Bus, Aarushi Laud delivers a compelling performance as the sister of a girl who tragically dies in a sweltering school bus. Reflecting on her experience, Aarushi shared with a publication, “Initially, I was excited, but seeing the big cameras and the set made me a bit nervous. However, director Wendy Bednarz from NYU Abu Dhabi helped me feel comfortable, and I ended up being very proud of my work.”

Aarushi, who was in Grade 6 at the time of filming, describes the shoot as both challenging and rewarding. “We shot in Abu Dhabi for about a month, often from early morning until evening. It was tiring, and getting the perfect shot sometimes required up to 15 takes. But the experience was incredibly valuable and fun,” her statement is quoted.

Balancing education and passion

Aarushi’s journey into film began with auditions for advertisements through the casting agency Mixfame. Although her initial attempts did not yield results, she eventually secured a role in Yellow Bus. Juggling filming with her Grade 6 exams, Aarushi’s school supported her commitment to the project, allowing her to focus on her burgeoning acting career.

Future aspirations in singing and acting

Beyond her acting career, Aarushi is also passionate about singing. She has completed her Grade 8 vocal Trinity exam from London and dreams of exploring opportunities in both the UAE and the US. She credits her parents, school, and the international crew of Yellow Bus for their support and encouragement.

The teen star vows to continue and pursue the career. Image credits: Imdb

“My friends were thrilled to see me on screen, and it was heartwarming to have my extended family attend the Mumbai premiere,” Aarushi is quoted. Her dedication and talent have already set the stage for a promising future in the entertainment industry.