Dubai Taxi Company honours its long-serving drivers

The event is hosted to establish a culture of reward and appreciation for hard work and loyalty

Dubai Taxi Company honours its long-serving drivers
Caption: DTC honored its long-serving drivers!
Source: Supplied

Dubai: The Dubai Taxi Company (DTC) recently held a ceremony to honor 1,162 drivers for their years of service and loyalty to the company. The recognition is a tribute to the long-serving drivers whose considerable efforts have significantly enhanced the company's transportation services 

The event which took place at the DTC building, was attended by Ammar Al Braiki, Chief Operating Officer of Dubai Taxi, along with numerous department managers, employees, and drivers.

Speaking at the ceremony Ammar Al Braiki, said that the event not only celebrates a driver's achievement but also highlights the thriving and sustainable work culture nurtured at  DTC. He further added that the dedication of the drivers has not only enriched the company's reputation but has also played a pivotal role in mentoring and guiding recruits within the team.

Al Breiki extended his deep gratitude to all drivers, recognizing their unwavering dedication and relentless efforts in upholding DTC's reputation,

By honoring its drivers the DTC not only celebrates the past but also reaffirms its commitment to nurturing a supportive and rewarding work environment that prioritizes the satisfaction and well-being of its drivers, ensuring them a prosperous brighter, and promising future for all involved.