A Chinese company unveils robot with remarkable functions

The Astribot S1 is an AI-powered humanoid robot; capturing human actions with articulated precision.

A Chinese company unveils robot with remarkable functions
Caption: The S1's dexterity could make it a great helper in the kitchen
Source: Astribot
A Chinese company unveils robot with remarkable functions
A Chinese company unveils robot with remarkable functions
A Chinese company unveils robot with remarkable functions

Dubai:  A Chinese company has astonished many with its multi-talented robot that can perform daily activities like opening bottles, ironing clothes, and writing calligraphy with absolute perfection. The AI-powered bot named SI is fast, precise, and unlike anything seen so far.  

A video was released on the internet by Stardust, a Chinese-based company introducing the world to S1 of its humanoid Astribot series

A Senzhen-based subsidiary of Stardust Intelligence called Astribot started working on its first humanoid robot in 2022. It took them almost one year to develop this marvel. With a speed of 10 meters per second and the ability to pick up an average weight of 10 kg per arm, SI will be commercially available by the end of this year.  

SI is at work in the kitchen.
Image Credit:  Astribot

China surpassed Japan in 2013 as the world’s largest installer of industrial robots, and now accounts for more than 50% of the global total, according to Stanford’s latest AI Index report.

Capable of mimicking human movement, SI is expected to be a good learner. The question are machines set to replace human beings? This debate sparks anew whenever artificial intelligence (AI)  experiences a breakthrough. 

Recent years have witnessed impressive advancements in AI exemplified by chatbots like ChatGPT, Google Jamboard, Cloud, and Perplexity, capable of complex tasks such as answering questions and writing articles.

The company is currently conducting further tests on the robot. Its ability to walk or remain stationary remains uncertain.

Social media users comment on the robot's performance, with one X user remarking, "Its writing is better than mine."

However, skepticism exists, with another user saying, "We'll need to see its live demo before getting excited. China is trying to gain fame, but what we are told is real, it's awe-inspiring."