AUS celebrates student superstars: 57 honored at annual awards gala

Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi acknowledges outstanding achievements and leadership in extracurricular activities

AUS celebrates student superstars: 57 honored at annual awards gala
Caption: AUS awards ceremony
Source: supplied

Sharjah:  The American University of Sharjah (AUS) held its annual Student Appreciation Awards on May 9th at the prestigious Al Jawaher Reception and Convention Centre in Sharjah. The ceremony, presided over by Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, President of AUS, was a grand celebration of student excellence. Over 650 AUS students attended the event, which honored 33 outstanding individuals and 24 exceptional groups for their remarkable contributions to extracurricular activities throughout the year.

The American University of Sharjah hosts the award show.
Image Credit: Supplied

Recognition for active engagement and leadership

The Annual Student Appreciation Awards is a prestigious platform to acknowledge AUS students who actively participate and demonstrate leadership across a wide array of the university's extracurricular programs. With a plethora of options available, including more than 100 student clubs, over 30 sports teams, and numerous community service opportunities, AUS provides students with ample avenues to explore their passions, develop their skills, and take on leadership roles.

Visit by dignitaries at the award ceremony.
Image Credit: Supplied

A night filled with memorable moments

The ceremony was a lively celebration that highlighted the diverse talents and achievements of the AUS student body. A captivating video presentation by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) showcased the exciting world of student-led events and initiatives throughout the year. The audience was also treated to a retrospective of AUS Global Day 2024, showcasing the university's commitment to international collaboration and cultural exchange. Additionally, the evening featured captivating cultural dance performances, adding a vibrant touch to the ceremony.

Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, President of AUS
Image Credit: Supplied 

Student perspective: Seizing opportunities for success

Reflecting on the significance of AUS in shaping his academic journey, Faisal Abu Abed, a mechanical engineering student and Vice President of the Student Council, delivered a heartfelt speech. He expressed his gratitude for the opportunities provided by AUS and emphasized the value of seizing every opportunity available. "AUS has provided me with many successful moments," Abed remarked. "Hard work here truly pays off; if you work diligently, you'll witness consecutive achievements. Being part of the Student Council was an enriching experience as it allowed me to contribute to creating an ideal environment for students. I advise all students to seize every opportunity at AUS because each one is a step towards success."

Award given to the winners
Image Credit:  Supplied 

AUS: Nurturing leaders and innovators

Through events like the Annual Student Appreciation Awards, AUS proudly celebrates the diverse talents and dedication of its student body. By nurturing and supporting students' extracurricular pursuits, AUS goes beyond academics, enriching the individual student experience. This commitment to fostering a well-rounded student life plays a pivotal role in shaping future leaders and innovators who will contribute meaningfully to society.