Watch: Pakistani man sleeping under moving truck

Remember that a moment's lapse in judgment on the road can have devastating consequences.

Watch: Pakistani man sleeping under moving truck
Caption: Man sleeping on a moving truck
Source: Twitter

Dubai:  Imagine this: you're cruising down the highway, the sun beating down, the radio humming a familiar tune. Suddenly, you a man seemingly oblivious to the world around him, fast asleep – underneath a speeding truck!

This isn't a scene from a bizarre dream, but the shocking reality captured in a viral video circulating on social media. Filmed by a passing driver in, the footage shows a Pakistani man nestled dangerously close to the truck's wheels.

The videographer's initial reaction? A chuckle and a comment about the man's "Pakistani fearlessness." 

The incident couldn't have come at a more ironic time. The video went viral during "Arab Traffic Week," an annual campaign dedicated to promoting road safety in the region. The campaign focuses on raising awareness about traffic laws and the importance of staying focused behind the wheel. This man's actions served as a stark reminder of why such initiatives are crucial.

While the identity of the man in the video remains unknown, his slumber has become a symbol of a much larger issue. It's a cautionary tale, a reminder that a moment's lapse in judgment on the road can have devastating consequences.

Hopefully, this viral video will serve as a wake-up call, urging everyone to prioritize safety and make responsible choices when they hit the road.