UAE Jobs: 11 reasons your company can terminate you 

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A look at mistakes which can result in cancellation of employment contract without notice

2024-08-25T12:43:00+05:00 TravelsDubai Report

Dubai: A UAE company can terminate a job contract even without notice if an employee commits certain violations. 

The UAE Government has, in an update, says that an employer has the right to terminate and cancel the employment contract of an employee working for him under a set of clearly defined circumstances.

The UAE Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has updated the employment rules.

The latest update has outlined the following instances which can lead to termination of an employee. 

1-If a worker presents a fake identity or nationality, or submits forged certificates or documents.

2-If a worker commits an error that results in a significant financial loss to the employer, or if a worker intentionally damages the employer’s property and acknowledges this. Employer must, however, notifies the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation of the incident within seven days from the time he becomes aware of its occurrence.

3-If a worker violates the instructions of the facility’s internal regulations regarding the safety of work and workers or the workplace, provided that these instructions are written, posted in a "visible place", and the worker has been informed of them.

4-If a worker does not perform his basic duties according to the employment contract, and fails to do so despite a written investigation being conducted for this reason, and he is warned twice of dismissal.

5-If he discloses a secret of the establishment in which he works, and the disclosure is related to industrial or intellectual property, or results in losses to the employer, or loss of opportunity for him, or brings a personal gain to the employee.

6-If he has been convicted by a competent court of a crime affecting honour, honesty or public morals.

7-If he is found drunk during working hours, or under the influence of a drug, or commits an act that violates public morals in the workplace.

8-If, during work, he assaults the employer, his manager or one of his superiors or colleagues at work, verbally or physically.

9-If a worker is absent without a legitimate reason, or an excuse accepted by the employer, for more than 20 intermittent days during one year, or more than seven consecutive days.

10-If an employee exploits his job position in an illegal manner to obtain personal gains.

11-If a worker joins another establishment without adhering to the procedures established in this regard.

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