A guide to eating well on long-haul flights

By hydrating adequately and choosing fresh and nutritious foods travellers can stay energised throughout their journey

A guide to eating well on long-haul flights
Caption: Eat healthy during long-distanced flights for an enjoyable journey
Source: Traveler

Dubai:  Long-distance flights can be both exciting and exhausting. The thrill of crossing over continents and landing in a new place can become more joyful if little attention is paid to eating habits during the flight.

Right choices can keep travelers hydrated, energized, and comfortable throughout the flight.

Here is a guide on what to eat while traveling on long-distance flights.

1. Hydration first--drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is crucial.  The dry cabin air can quickly dehydrate travelers, leading to fatigue and discomfort. Drinking water regularly helps maintain energy levels and keeps the body functioning optimally.

Alcohol and caffeine exacerbate dehydration, so avoid them. 

2. Snack Smart--eat fresh fruits and vegetables

Packing fresh fruits and vegetables can provide a refreshing and hydrating snack option. Foods like apples, carrots, celery sticks, and grapes are easy to carry and eat, providing essential vitamins and fiber. These snacks are light and won't leave travelers feeling sluggish.

3. Look for protein-packed options

Include protein-rich snacks to keep hunger at bay and maintain energy levels. Nuts, seeds, and protein bars are convenient and nutritious choices. Lean proteins such as grilled chicken strips or hard-boiled eggs can also be satisfying options.

 4. Whole grains--Fuel for the long haul

Whole grain options like whole wheat crackers, brown rice cakes, or quinoa salad provide sustained energy and are less likely to cause a spike in blood sugar levels. These choices are also generally more filling, and helpful in avoiding overeating.

5. Keep it light--avoid sugary and fatty food

Eatables high in sugar lead to energy crashes, whereas fatty foods are harder to digest in a low-pressure environment. Stick to healthier alternatives to feel best throughout the flight.

 6. Choose pre-packaged meals for convenience 

If you're concerned about in-flight meals, consider bringing pre-packaged meals. Find balanced and nutritious items such as salads with a splash of protein, whole grain wraps, or a bento box. This way travelers can have control over what they are eating and can avoid less healthy airline meals. 

7. Eat in intervals

Instead of having large meals, eat small portions at regular intervals to prevent sluggishness and digestion issues arising from being overly full. 

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a more comfortable and pleasant experience on your long-distance flight.