Emiratisation deadline sparks job mismatch chaos

Lack of seriousness in compliance has left many potential Emirati job-seekers frustrated

Emiratisation deadline sparks job mismatch chaos
Caption: Emirati job seeker pressured by last-minute hiring rush
Source: World Arabia

Dubai:   To meet the June 30th Emiratisation deadline set by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) for the first half of 2024, many companies are sending out inaccurate offer letters to potential Emirati employees.

These offers often mismatch job-seekers' skills and disregard their location preferences. Discrepancies in offered contracts, including incorrect contact information or educational qualifications, have also been found.

As per UAE Council of Ministers decisions, private companies with 50+ employees must achieve a 1% increase in skilled UAE citizen hires. The MoHRE will begin verifying company compliance starting July 1st.

Pressure leads to dissatisfaction

Some Emirati job seekers who signed contracts under pressure have expressed dissatisfaction with their work arrangements. These cases highlight a mismatch between offered positions and what was initially agreed upon.

Lack of long-term planning

Recruitment experts believe a lack of long-term planning by companies is a major factor in the current situation. They recommend companies develop year-round strategies to find qualified Emirati candidates rather than waiting until the last minute.

Nafis platform 

The Ministry has also called on companies falling short of their Emiratisation targets to benefit from the Nafis platform, which houses data about qualified Emirati nationals seeking employment across various specializations and who possess the required competencies.

MoHRE Combats "Fake Emiratisation"

The MoHRE is actively working to prevent "fake Emiratisation," a practice where companies hire Emiratis for nominal positions with no real work to simply meet quotas. The ministry has a system to detect such practices and has already penalized companies caught employing Emiratis for this purpose.

Fine for non-compliance 

A penalty of AED42,000 will be applied for every Emirati not hired within targeted companies, at a rate of AED7,000 per month for 2023, in line with the Cabinet Decision. The fines will increase by AED1,000 yearly until 2026.

Meaningful integration

The goal of Emiratisation is to integrate Emiratis meaningfully into the UAE workforce. Companies are encouraged to develop robust talent acquisition strategies that identify and match qualified Emirati candidates with suitable roles.

Experts believe a significant portion of Emirati job seekers are well-qualified, and a strategic approach can ensure a successful and sustainable Emiratisation process.