Princess Haifa launches historic tourism accreditation drive

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S102 programs to be assessed, boosting national and international standards

2024-08-30T11:21:00+05:00 Hammad Abdullah

Riyadh:  Saudi Arabia's tourism sector is undergoing a major transformation, spearheaded by Her Highness Princess Haifa Mohammed Al Saud, the Vice Minister of Tourism. Princess Haifa recently announced the launch of the country's biggest programmatic and institutional accreditation initiative. This ambitious program aims to completely revamp the quality of tourism education and training offered within the Kingdom.

Meeting job market needs

The initiative prioritizes aligning tourism education with the ever-changing demands of the job market. "This initiative represents a significant step forward in our mission to ensure the success and relevance of our tourism training programs," declared Princess Haifa, emphasizing the Ministry of Tourism's dedication to advancing these programs.

Unprecedented evaluation and accreditation

The program will see a comprehensive evaluation of a staggering 102 national tourism education and training programs throughout 2024. Partnering with prestigious organizations like the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization), the Education and Training Evaluation Commission, and the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation, the initiative aims to secure both international and local accreditations for Saudi Arabia's tourism institutions.

Key Goals and Milestones

The initiative has set several ambitious goals to achieve by the end of 2024 and beyond:

  • Accreditation for 31 Programs: Secure national and international accreditation for 31 tourism programs and institutions by the close of 2024.

  • 200 Certified Trainers: Equip 200 trainers and staff with professional certificates for delivering new tourism programs developed in collaboration with the UNWTO.

  • Professional Growth for Ministry Staff: Provide certification to 37 Ministry of Tourism employees for effective management of tourism programs.

  • Further Accreditation by 2025: Achieve accreditation for an additional 27 programs and institutions by 2025.


New heights of tourism in Saudi Arabia.
Image credit: Supplied

Boosting tourism appeal

Princess Haifa expressed her optimism about the initiative's potential impact. "We are thrilled to collaborate with our local and international partners to realize these goals," she stated. "This initiative will significantly elevate the competitiveness of our tourism sector, solidify Saudi Arabia's reputation as a world-class tourist destination, and create exceptional job opportunities for tourism professionals within the industry."

 Building on success

This new initiative leverages the success of the "Ahluha" program launched in June. Ahluha introduced the Tourism National Occupational Skills Standards in both Arabic and English. This pioneering effort aims to establish specialized professional standards, ultimately enhancing the quality of tourism education and bridging the gap between industry supply and demand.

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