Introduction of Private Teacher Work Permit in the UAE

Teachers can now avail After-School Tuitions

Introduction of Private Teacher Work Permit in the UAE
Caption: Teaching in Dubai

UAE has introduced a Private Teacher Work Permit to allow educators to take private tuition after school hours. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation and the Ministry of Education view this as a significant change in the education sector. In addition to safeguarding the rights of private teachers, the new law facilitates students in receiving supplementary tuition to address learning deficiencies. Muhammad Al Mualla, the Ministry of Education's undersecretary for academic affairs, says the new law also intends to combat illegal private tuition.

The statement further added, "The introduction of a permit for individuals qualified to provide private lessons will help curb illegal and unregulated practices when recruiting private teachers, which risk affecting the learning process as a whole."

The permit is free and valid for two years, after which holders can apply for renewal. Rather than a fee, educators are asked to sign a code of conduct document approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation.

Teaching a child is like building a future.

The new permit allows "different groups of specialised and qualified professionals from the community to offer private lessons for students, individually or in groups," the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation said.

Those wishing to apply for the permit can submit a request via the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation's smart application, website or e-services system.

The administration has outlined the following guidelines for visa applicability.

Class Teacher:

A bachelor's degree in education (B.Ed) is required for applicants looking to become class teachers. Applicants may also submit a postgraduate certificate/diploma or a Master's in Education (M.Ed).

Subject Teacher:

For those applying to become a subject teacher, a minimum qualification of a recognised bachelor's degree related to the subject being taught is required.

Minimum Qualifications for Teaching in the UAE:

To practise teaching in the UAE, the applicant must have a minimum qualification of a bachelor's degree or a 4-year university degree or higher in the required field. This rule applies to public/government and private schools in the UAE. We have explained it to you, so you don't have to go through the hassle.