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Top 5 jobs in Dubai

Dubai is global hub for employment for hardworking and progressive people

AI: Friend or foe, debunking top 5 myths about Artificial Intelligence

Understanding the potential and limitations of Artificial Intelligence

Boeing's first astronaut flight called off at last minute

The next launch attempt could occur on Wednesday, June 5.

Moon mission: Pakistan successfully launches iCube-Qamar satellite into lunar orbit

In a historic first, a Pakistani satellite will orbit the moon as part of China’s Chang’e-6 lunar mission, which was launched from Hainan, China

Jobs in Canada: These are the top-paying skills for immigrants

With the right skills and education, professionals in these sectors can live and work in Canada while earning a substantial income

Canada: First STEM Express Entry draw of 2024 issued 4,500 PRs

Canadian experience class candidates with work experience in Canada to be prioritized for immigration

Riyadh Air's first batch of Saudi female trainee aircraft engineers begin their diploma ...

The high school graduates are the first group of females to join the Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Program as part of Vision 2030