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Australia doubles student visa fee to control migration

Effective from July 1, the new policy could hurt universities reliant on international student income, despite being a major export industry.

Watch: How Emirates pilots reduce fuel and emissions during operations

Emirates explains how the airline reduce unnecessary fuel burn and emissions

The renowned author does not plan on living in Canada, but why?

He even refused permanent residency opportunity in Canada, plans to come back to Pakistan.

Tourist gets his misplaced watch back in Dubai, thanks to Indian boy

Dubai Police honours Muhammad Ayan Younis for his honesty

Australia's visa crackdown hits international students and universities

A significant number of students are deferring or withdrawing their applications from universities due to visa processing delays

Pakistan launches passport overhaul initiative to clear 800K application backlog

Systemic corruption and inefficiencies have plagued passport offices for years, contributing significantly to the current backlog

More jobs for teachers, skilled workers opened in New Zealand

The country changes work visa rules to stop exploitation of immigrant workers    

Single Visa similar to Schengen under considertion for ASEAN members

The success of the initiative depends on resolution of bureaucratic hurdles